
Showing posts from October, 2017


Today in Human geo we started off by getting out final test grades back. I got a 92% I’m very happy because that means I will have finished this quarter with an A. Then we went over each problem that was on the test and shared them out loud and talked about ones that we got wrong.   Then we picked up where we left off yesterday with migration. Today we talked about the reasons why people would migrate and why they chose some places over others to move to. These factors are either push or pull. Pull factors is what’s pulling you into a new country, examples include political and religious freedom, better health services, and better economic opportunity. Push factors are factors that make you leave your current living situation. Example include, environmental degradation, religious or political persecution, civil war, and unemployment or under employment. That’s where we ended today’s class.


Today in human geo we started off by getting out tests back... or at least the objective parts, and I got a 92!! Then we got into talking about life expectancy. Life expectancy is the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year. We talked about thing thats effect life expectancy and also where life expectancy is high, like Moraco, and where it's low, like Chad. Then we discussed crude death rate and crude birth rate (number of deaths or births per 1000). We also got into rate of natural increase- which is derived by subtracting death rate from birth rate. Then we began to talk about migration and how t effects al this. We discussed the difference between immigration and emigration. Immigration is when you come into a country and emigration is when you are leaving a country. We then talked a little abut how this affects net migration rate- which is the difference between the number of people entering and/or leaving a country in a year. That is wher...


Today in Human geo we learned about population. First we started off by talking about the population of the world and the growth of which it is changing. Right now there is 7.3 billion people on the earth. and it is increasing by the second. The birth rate is higher than the death rate witch means population is going up. Then we looked a a population clock and we actually got to see the numbers of the people being born and dying. It was amazing to see how may new people are coming into the world every second. Then we talked about the down sides to population growth. Such as, limited resources and space to live. Then we talked a little about ways to slow down the growth like limiting the number of kids per family, like China did in the past. Overall class today was pretty interesting and I hope we talk more about population.


Today in Human Geo we took a test. I studied last night and felt pretty prepared, so when I did take it I was pretty confident and knew most the answers. Also we had a few minutes in the beginning of class to review notes quickly. The test did take up the whole class so when I finished I wrote this blog. I think I did pretty good on the test overall…maybe not a 100% but I think I got an A or B. We had 25 multiple choice questions and one essay. The essay was a choice between two questions; Why does America make products overseas, and what does “think global, act local” mean and give an example. I chose the second question because I wasn’t in class when we talked about making products overseas and I felt as though I could explain the question better. I feel like I did a pretty good job on explaining it and most likely got a good grade. Overall, I hope that I got an A on this test because my grade is a 91% right now and I don’t want it to be brought down to a B the d...


Today in human geo we reviewed for the test tomorrow. For our blogs last night we came up with three questions that could be on the test and we went over them today in class. Everyone in the class shared one and now we have a lot of questions. Mr. Schick wrote them all down and then posted them on the board at the end of class so we could get them and study them tonight. Some of the questions involved the maps, the globe, site and situation, location, place culture, globalization, time zones and more. We named some famous people and reviewed some important definitions. We went over some possible short answer/ essay questions as well. I took a lot of notes in my notebook so I can study tonight. I’m feeling pretty confident for this test and I really hope I do well because I currently have a 91 in this class and I would like to keep my grade at an A for this quarter.