
In Friday's class we talked mostly about maps. We reviewed the worksheet that we did in the previous class and talked about each map. Then we looked at two maps; the Peters map and the Mercator map. the Mercator map was created early on and was used to help sailors travel. However, while doing this it altered each size of the continents. Since this was the official map at the time, it stuck. This is also still the map we use today. However recently a new map- the Peters map, has been created in order to really convey the true size of each continent. This is the map that should be used in schools because it portrays more accuracy. The problem with having a poorly proportioned map is that many people associate size with power. So since the Mercator map is incorrect many people think certain continents and countries are more powerful or less powerful... just because of size. We also watched a clip from the movie "The East Ring", where we can see the Peters map being discussed and trying to be reinforced as the new map for schools. Overall today's class was a pretty big eye opener.


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