
Showing posts from August, 2017

Second Day of School Human Geo

Today in human geo we spent the first half part of class going over the blogs and getting everyone caught up. I was one of those people and he helped me and Gracyn and we got them figured out right away. By the end of the class almost everyone was set up for their blogs. Next we started doing syllabus. We went over class procedures, rules, materials, homework, grading, tests, late policies, and more. Mr. Schick told us about the next few days and what to expect, including our sub coming up and future blogs. We also talked about what our year would be like and what we would learn about. I have never had human geography before so i look forward to the new experience. I really am looking forward to the year to come.

First Days at JC

My first days at John Carroll have been a great way to get thrown into high school. Everyone was very understanding and all my teachers are very nice. Kickstart was a fun way to meet people and get used to the school. My orientation was fun and it was nice to be able to go to every class and meet my teachers. I also liked the service project because it was a nice way to help others and meet new people and also i got some service hours done. So far i really like the school and i like all the freedom, especially advisory and free mods. I am still scared about getting lost or being late because my locker is floor one and some classes are floor three. Also the schedule is very confusing right now so hopefully i can adjust quickly. If the rest of my year is as good as the first few days then i will be very happy!