

Today in human geo we started off by having a few minutes to study for the test we are about to take. I reviewed the notes for the given time and it made me feel more confident in the test. We had two shadows so we spent some time getting to know them. Then we took the test and I think I did okay, There were a few facts about the presidents that I didn't know and there were also some about the countries that I didn't know because I didn't study for those type of questions ...which I guess I should have. Hopefully I get at least a B. Also, Mr. Schick updated my Veracross grade for the world leaders thing and I got a 100! It brought my grade up from a high B to a low A so I'm very happy about that.


Today in human geo we finished reviewing the rest of the world leaders, we went through about ten of then because we did the first five the day before. We talked about each of them and some interesting fats of their life and background. The test was supposed to be today but because of all the early dismissals and off days the test got pushed back. So now it is moved to tomorrow. Tonight I will study all the leaders, I have gotten pretty good with a few of them already so I think I will do well. Also, I just checked my grade and I have an F! It's because my world leaders slides wasn't graded because when I emailed it to mr. Schick, I didn't set it to edit. But I fixed it and I hope he reupdates the grade soon. Especially because the last day of the quarter is tomorrow.


Today in human geo we started class by turning in our world leaders project and going over the correct answers. Today's class was only 40 minutes because we had a two hour delay due to the snow. I thought and hoped we were going to be off but that wasn't the case. The world leaders project was fairly easy for the most part. The only part that was hard was finding the leader because there were a few options to choose from. I hope I get a good grade so that I can end this quarter with an A because currently I have a high B. Also we have a test about the different States coming up that I will need to make sure I study for.


When I first walked into human geo I realized that the classroom was surprising warm. This was nice because it is really cold outside and most of the first floor is too. I hope that we get off school tomorrow and maybe even Friday. Then we all got mints because a classmate had a bunch left over from advisory, so overall class was off to a good start.  Today in class we started off by reviewing the qualities of an independent State. Then we watched a cartoon video of all the countries in the world. And finally, we got the information for our world leaders project and got to start it.


Today we had human geo second period for the first day back after winter break. Of course everyone was tired and not in the best mood. Today in class we started Political Government. Political Government is categorized into Country, State, and Nation. Country is an identifiable land area. A nation is groups of people larger than a single tribe or community, which may share a common language, institutions, religion, and or historical experience. A State, capital S, is a population under a single government and it can be synonymous with country. That led into us talking about characteristics of an independent State. We also talked a little bit about American institutions, such as fast food restaurants like McDonalds and Chick Fil A; and the American love for football. Overall, all of that information took up the whole class period.


Today in human geo we talked about the essay that we will be seeing on the exam tomorrow. It was the exact question and pictures that we will have tomorrow so that was a big help. The question is about population pyramids and demographic transition. I was very nervous about this essay but after talking a lot about it in class and after asking a few questions, I feel much more confident. Tonight I will study a lot by reading his blog, I will go over notes in my notebook and I will also review my old tests and quizzes. I feel pretty good about this exam because I made a good quizlet to help me study and it covers a lot of material from the beginning of the year, and also more recent things we did. Lets hope it pays off.


Today in human geo we had a little of a review day, it's a D day so classes were a little shortened. We started off by letting Ashlyn make up the pop quiz that we took last week because she was absent when we took it. Then we reviewed demographic transition a little bit by going over the graph. That will be one of the questions for our essay so it was good to be able to review it and talk about some key points that we should be including in the essay.  We had a small debate over the world population and whether it was 7.4 or 7.5 billion, we learned that it is 7.4 and that is the answer we should do for the test, that then led to us doing a few review questions from the CIA website to finish up class.