
Showing posts from December, 2017


Today in human geo we talked about the essay that we will be seeing on the exam tomorrow. It was the exact question and pictures that we will have tomorrow so that was a big help. The question is about population pyramids and demographic transition. I was very nervous about this essay but after talking a lot about it in class and after asking a few questions, I feel much more confident. Tonight I will study a lot by reading his blog, I will go over notes in my notebook and I will also review my old tests and quizzes. I feel pretty good about this exam because I made a good quizlet to help me study and it covers a lot of material from the beginning of the year, and also more recent things we did. Lets hope it pays off.


Today in human geo we had a little of a review day, it's a D day so classes were a little shortened. We started off by letting Ashlyn make up the pop quiz that we took last week because she was absent when we took it. Then we reviewed demographic transition a little bit by going over the graph. That will be one of the questions for our essay so it was good to be able to review it and talk about some key points that we should be including in the essay.  We had a small debate over the world population and whether it was 7.4 or 7.5 billion, we learned that it is 7.4 and that is the answer we should do for the test, that then led to us doing a few review questions from the CIA website to finish up class. 


Today in human geo we had a sub, the class activity was posted on the website however. We found out that we will not be having a test Monday, yay! this means I can study more for the exam. And that is exactly what we will be doing in this class period. This is a great time to study for the exam, so I will be making a quizlet and a notes page. I can't really write 150 words about that, so i hope I still get full points for this blog.


Today in class we went over the pop quizzes from yesterday. I will be studying that paper a a lot for the exams. We also found out that we will have a test Monday on migration, population pyramids, etc. So we did a few things in order to help us review and be more prepared for that. After that we talked a little about exams and a few people asked some questions. We then started to talk about things like the schedule for break and exams and what it was like last year. Then that turned into a conversation about next semester classes and schedule and how it works with being placed in honors classes. Then we had a few minutes left so I wrote this blog.


Today in human geo we started off with a pop quiz on demographic transition. It was really hard and I know I did bad. It will definitely hurt my grade so now I have to do good on my exam. Then after that we reviewed it and thats how I knew I didn't do good. After that we moved into a small review on demographic transition. I got some new notes about the different stages so that will be a good thing to study for exams. Next we started reviewing for the exam, we talked about what kind of problems will be on it and kind of what the essays will be like. After hearing what material will be on the exam, I need to study a lot of past information so I am fully prepared and so I can get a good grade.


Today in human geo we started off by taking the survey monkey. It took me a little while to get onto the site because the wifi wasn't working. But then I just restarted it and it worked again. Then we got into the main part of the lesson. We talked more about Demographic Transition; which is the process of using characteristics such as age, gender, trends and more to determine where a country will be in the upcoming years. We looked at a graph/ chart to interpret what it meant. It was related to birth rate and death rate and the factors that can make those things rise or fall. Then we learned that few people in the USA are in danger of death due to starvation. We ended up having time left over in class to do other homework or the blog. I wrote this blog so that was I wont have homework tonight.